Passports, J Lysters, Backyard Slide, and Yogurt Bars

We applied for your first passport, and took the photos ourselves. Harder than it seems, actually. 

Next, the J Lyster crew got together to hang with you (and us, let’s not pretend you are the apogee of entertaining). 

Finally, you love your new slide in your very own backyard. As well as yogurt bars with your Papa. 

Jam, Snackin’, and Shades

You like toast, you like peanut butter, and you like jam.  When put together, however, you apparently only liked jam today.  The peanut butter and toast was tossed to the floor to the delight of the clean up crew, Penelope, Manu, and Cecil.


You snack like a champion.  Yesterday, you laid down on the couch with cheese puffs, and I swear I could feel our DNA bond.


And finally, 9 months later, you wore your sunglasses I bought you for Hawaii.  They lasted on your face for 1 minute.  I captured the moment; perhaps never to be repeated.




Your second word* appears to be “car”. 

*your first word was ball. No telling when you might call out for a parent at this point since all you need are balls and cars. 


We went downtown today to visit Beth and Monte, and you played in the Seattle Center fountain with your pop. It was pretty awesome. We went to an oyster bar, and you enjoyed lots of bread and pickled green beans. 

You had a great nap. After, you listened to songs and played outside and inside. You especially enjoyed playing with my pearls.